来源 | 互联网法律匠
在长达48页的民事起诉状中,原告认为,Perplexity 是一家生成式人工智能公司,声称能为用户提供准确、最新新闻和信息的平台, 用户可以 "跳过链接 "进入各类新闻出版商的网站。为了达到这一目的,Perplexity大量非法复制出版商受版权保护的作品。
原告道琼斯公司、纽约邮政控股公司及其母公司新闻集团("新闻集团 Corp")是世界上最著名的新闻出版商之一。原告的出版物包括华尔街日报》和《纽约邮报》这两份发行量最大的报纸。
但是,为了利用这一巨大的内容市场,被告 Perplexity 筹集了大量资金,用于建立所谓的 "答题引擎",用于大规模地复制受版权保护的新闻内容、分析和观点,并保存在其内部数据库。
然后,被告 Perplexity使用这些受版权保护的内容生成对用户查询的回复,这些网站旨在并确实起到了新闻和其他信息网站的替代作用,因为用户可以 "跳过链接 "直接访问他们的新闻,用户可以完全依赖于 Perplexity而获得所有新闻,进而剥夺了原告的重要收入来源。
Perplexity从网络获取内容原始来源后复制这些内容,并将其纳入一个庞大的 "检索增强型 RAG"数据库,而后通过大型语言模型("LLM"或 "模型")进行重新包装,最终将索引内容以书面形式回复("输出")给用户。这些输出(或者用 Perplexity 的行话来说:"答案")是机器生成的人工创建内容的复制品,由 LLMs 和 其他概述和转述原始、人工生成内容的工具,有时甚至是逐字逐句地复制原告的原始新闻内容。
原告认为,Perplexity 的行为侵犯了原告根据美国《版权法》在以下方面享有的专有权有多种方式。首先,Perplexity 在输入阶段的行为--未经授权的大规模复制将原告版权作品的数量纳入Perplexity的RAG索引("输入")-- 构成完全和大规模的侵犯版权行为,替代原告作品的复制品和/或衍生内容。同时,Perplexity 的输出内容也非法侵犯原告权利,Perplexity 对用户询问的 "回答 "通常包括完整的或 部分逐字转载原告的新闻、分析和观点文章。更糟糕的是,通过购买订阅 Perplexity 的高级服务 "Perplexity Pro",用户可以更频繁地访问内容并逐字复制。
Perplexity 的业务与传统搜索业务有本质区别是,传统引擎也将大量内容复制到其索引中,但这样做只是为了提供链接到原始网站。在传统形式下,搜索引擎是一种发现、指向和检索信息的工具,只促进版权内容的发现,而不促进版权内容的替代。但是,Perplexity 的商业模式并没有将业务推向内容创作者,相反,它将内容创作者的盈利机会篡为己有。
几个月前,即 2024 年 7 月,原告致函 Perplexity,通知它 对 Perplexity 在未经授权的情况下使用原告版权作品所引发的法律问题以及提出讨论潜在的许可交易,但Perplexity 没有理会。
一是被告行为构成版权侵权(《美国法典》第 17 编第 106 条)--Perplexity 复制了原告的版权作品。 Perplexity 公司未经原告授权,直接或通过第三方间接地故意复制了尽可能多的这些文章,并保存至其RAG数据库。
第二项理由还是版权侵权(《美国法典》第 17 编第 106 条)--Perplexity 复制原告受保护的作品,并为用户查询生成 "输出 "的内容。Perplexity 利用原告的版权内容,通过其 RAG 流程,为用户的查询提供输出或 "答案",但这些答案包括原告受版权保护的内容。
第三项是“商标及不正当竞争竞争”(原文为“虚假原产地名称和淡化原告商标”)。《华尔街日报》和《纽约邮报》的商标均为原告注册和持续使用,这些商标已无可争议。但是,当 Perplexity 的 AI 应用程序被问及与原告有关的问题时,原告的回答是:"我不知道......。”这种用于模糊新闻来源的方式,造成了一种 "不公平 "的行为。
因此,原告要求被告停止侵权,甚至包括下令销毁由 Perplexity 创建的包括原告新闻内容的任何索引或数据库,并主张每项15万美元共计45万美元的赔偿要求。
2024 年 10 月 24 日,在被《华尔街日报》和《纽约邮报》起诉后,AI搜索公司Perplexity在官网发布了正式发布了“答辩”声明,前后读来,语气有檄文感受。
Perplexity 从创立之初就一直在生成的答案上方列出资料来源,并为答案的每一部分提供在线引用。我们很高兴其他人工智能聊天机器人也开始效仿 Perplexity 的透明度,并在其产品中强调资料来源。事实上,《华尔街日报》在今年早些时候的"Great AI Challenge"中将 Perplexity 评为综合排名第一的聊天机器人。
在默认适用法律所允许的范围之外,我们还有无数事情想做,这就需要与像这里选择起诉而非合作的公司这样的对手建立互利的商业关系。Perplexity 很荣幸能够与《时代》周刊、《财富》杂志和《明镜周刊》等领先出版商共同推出一项首创的 收入共享计划[1],这些出版商已经签署了该计划。
首先,申诉中指控的事实充其量只是误导。所引用的 "重复 "产出的例子明显错误地描述了材料的来源。即使是在所引用的具体事例中,他们对所发生的事情的描述也是虚伪的,他们对Perplexity的用途的描述也是宽泛的(剧透:Perplexity并不是为了转播可以在其他地方更直接、更有效地获取的文章全文)。关于我们从未回应过新闻集团外联活动的说法纯属子虚乌有:他们伸出了援手,我们当天就做出了回应,但他们非但没有继续对话,反而提起了诉讼。
About the Dow Jones lawsuit
On Monday, we got sued by the Wall Street Journal and the New York Post. We were disappointed and surprised to see this.
There are around three dozen lawsuits by media companies against generative AI tools. The common theme betrayed by those complaints collectively is that they wish this technology didn’t exist. They prefer to live in a world where publicly reported facts are owned by corporations, and no one can do anything with those publicly reported facts without paying a toll.
That is not our view of the world.
We believe that tools like Perplexity provide a fundamentally transformative way for people to learn facts about the world. Perplexity not only does so in a way that the law has always recognized but is essential for the sound functioning of a cultural ecosystem in which people can efficiently and effectively obtain and engage with knowledge created by others.
Perplexity, from its founding moment, has always listed sources above answers and provided in-line citations for every part of an answer. We are glad that other AI chatbots have begun copying Perplexity's transparency and emphasis on sources in their products. In fact, the Wall Street Journal itself earlier this year ranked Perplexity the #1 overall chatbot in their “Great AI Challenge.”
The lawsuit reflects an adversarial posture between media and tech that is—while depressingly familiar—fundamentally shortsighted, unnecessary, and self-defeating. We should all be working together to offer people amazing new tools and build genuinely pie-expanding businesses. There are countless things we would love to do beyond what the default application of law allows, which entail mutually beneficial commercial relationships with counterparties like the companies here who chose to sue rather than cooperate. Perplexity is proud to have launched a first-of-its-kind revenue-sharing program with leading publishers like TIME, Fortune, and Der Spiegel, which have already signed on. And our door is always open if and when the Post and the Journal decide to work with us in good faith, just as numerous others already have.
Unless and until that happens, though, we will defend ourselves in this lawsuit. This is not the place to get into the weeds of all of that, but we want to make two quick points at the outset:
First, the facts alleged in the complaint are misleading at best. Cited examples of “regurgitated” outputs explicitly mischaracterize the source of the material. They are disingenuous in their description of what happened even in the specific cited instances, as well as in their broader depiction of what Perplexity is for (spoiler alert: it’s not for reprising the full text of articles that can be more directly and efficiently obtained elsewhere). And the suggestion that we never responded to outreach from News Corp. is simply false: they reached out; we responded the very same day; instead of continuing the dialogue, they filed this lawsuit.
Second, there is, we have learned in the short time since this lawsuit was filed, a disturbing trend in these types of cases: The companies that are suing make all kinds of salacious allegations in their complaints about all kinds of seemingly bad things they were able to coax the AI tools to do—and then, when pressed in the litigation for details of things like how they achieved such obviously unrepresentative results, they immediately disavow the very examples they put in the public record, and swear they won’t actually use them in the case. We presume that is what will happen here. And that will tell you everything you need to know about the strength of their case.
AI-enhanced search engines are not going away. Perplexity is not going away. We look forward to a time in the future when we can focus all of our energy and attention on offering innovative tools to customers, in collaboration with media companies.
[1] 麻策律师注:收入共享计划,指Perplexity通过相关问题功能引入广告。品牌可以付费在Perplexity的回答引擎界面和页面上提出特定的相关后续问题。当Perplexity从引用出版商内容的互动中获得收入时,该出版商也将获得分成。